Allow Cloud Foundry app to use EMC persistent storage

1. Prerequisite

2. Install Rexray and ScaleIO SDC in Diego Cell

What is Rexray?

Rexray combines all of EMC storage solutions under one single interface. To read more about rexray, please go to the docs at Rexray.


What is ScaleIO SDC?

ScaleIO SDC is a component of ScaleIO that allow a VM to map to a ScaleIO volume. After, users can mount this volume to their system and use it.

Diego Cell

Configure ScaleIO SDC and RexRay in Diego Manifest

In order to use ScaleIO with Cloud Foundry, we need ScaleIO SDC and Rexray to live on all of the Diego cells. In the diego manifest, SDC Bosh Release and RexRay Bosh Release jobs should be collocated with the Diego jobs like below:

- instances: 1
  name: cell
  - name: private
        zone: z1
      zone: z1
  resource_pool: cell_z1
  - name: setup_sdc
    release: scaleio-sdc-bosh-release
  - name: rexray_service
    release: rexray-bosh-release
  - name: consul_agent
    release: cf-release
  - name: rep
    release: diego-release
  - name: garden
    release: garden-linux
  - name: cflinuxfs2-rootfs-setup
    release: cflinuxfs2-rootfs
  - name: metron_agent
    release: cf-release
    max_in_flight: 1
    serial: false

3. Create CF ScaleIO Service

1. Deploy CF Persist Service Broker

Clone EMC CF Persist Service Broker to your workspace.

git clone

Host the service broker to Cloud Foundry or third-party hosting. Below is the commands to push the service broker to Cloud Foundry

cf push #{service_broker_app_name} --no-start
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} BROKER_PASSWORD #{broker_password}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} BROKER_USERNAME #{broker_username}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} LIBSTORAGE_URI #{libstorage_uri}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} LIBSTORAGE_STORAGE_DRIVER #{libstorage_storage_driver}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_ENDPOINT #{scaleio_endpoint}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_INSECURE #{scaleio_insecure}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_PASSWORD #{scaleio_password}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_PROTECTION_DOMAIN_ID #{scaleio_protection_domain_id}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_PROTECTION_DOMAIN_NAME #{scaleio_protection_domain_name}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_STORAGE_POOL_NAME #{scaleio_storage_pool_name}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_SYSTEM_ID #{scaleio_system_id}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_SYSTEM_NAME #{scaleio_system_name}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_THIN_OR_THICK #{scaleio_thin_or_thick}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_USE_CERTS #{scaleio_use_certs}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_USERNAME #{scaleio_username}
cf set-env #{service_broker_app_name} SCALEIO_VERSION #{scaleio_version}
cf start #{service_broker_app_name}
2. Register Service Broker

After hosting the app, we can register it as a service broker in Cloud Foundry. To register, run the following commands:

cf create-service-broker scaleiogo #{custom_broker_username} #{custom_broker_password} #{service_broker_app_url} cf enable-service-access scaleiogo

You would be able to see it in cf marketplace

3. Create Service Instance

Now you can create a scaleio service instance

cf create-service scaleiogo small #{custom_instance_name} -c '{"storage_pool_name": "#{your_storage_pool_name}"}'
4. Bind Service and Unbind Service to Your App

Push your app requiring persitent to Cloud Foundry. Let's call it persistence_app. Then bind it to scaleio_service_instance

cf bind-service persistence_app #{custom_instance_name}
cf restage persistence_app

If you want to unbind the service, run the following

cf unbind-service persistence_app #{custom_instance_name}
cf restage persistence_app
Important Note
The bind-service and unbind-service will not map/unmap or mount/unmount volume until you do an app restage command